“I Do!”
A wedding ceremony is such a tender moment to watch and experience. It is when two people are proclaiming their love for one another.
read moreGarter Toss!
In the old days, a bride’s clothing was often seen as a good luck charm and many guests would try to get a piece of what the bride was wearing. Now the tradition has changed and the bride wears a garter. The garter is then removed from the bride’s leg by her husband and tossed into a sea of men. The man to catch the garter is “next to be married”.
It’s a fun tradition and it is fun to see the guys get competitive in order to catch the garter.

Brothers for life…
A groom can choose to have his best buds with him on his wedding day. The groomsmen often have a laid back approach to getting ready for the big day.
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Can’t keep true love apart
It’s a long standing tradition for the bride and groom not to see each other before the ceremony on their wedding day. But when two people love each other so much, sometimes it can be hard to keep them apart.
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Momma’s Boy
A mother sometimes can be reluctant to hand over their baby boys to his bride. The love of a mother for her children is one of the strongest bonds there are.
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Groom Cake!
The groom’s cake is very different from the traditional wedding cake. It is a way to express the groom and his interests through a beautiful work of art.
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Thank you to the friends and family…
Thank you to all the friends and family that attend the weddings we have shot. It’s so great seeing all of those people come out to the weddings we shoot in order to be their for the bride and groom.
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Cake, cake, cake, cake!
Wedding cake is by far one of our favorite cakes. They taste delicious, look extravagant and are different every time.
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The Priceless First Look
First look pictures are one of our favorite parts to capture during weddings. It gives the bride and groom a chance to truly take each other in before the wedding and think “wow I’m about to marry this person, the love of my life.”
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